Our timeline

FALL 2009: Needs analysis, requirements gathering and preliminary benchmarking

Major activities

Specific deliverables

  • Communicate with campus about process & activities.
  • Conduct one-on-one or small group interviews with faculty and students.
  • Conduct focus groups with faculty and students.
  • Gather input from other stakeholders.
  • Develop global guiding principles that are not specific to any particular tool.
  • Develop total cost of ownership analysis of current centrally-supported tools in the eLearning space.
  • Complete preliminary review of LMS migration projects at other institutions.
  • Complete preliminary analysis of other non-traditional LMS tools and solutions in the elearning space

SPRING 2010: In-depth discussions and summer project plan

Major activities

Specific deliverables

  • Communicate with campus about process & activities.
  • Share and discuss reports from Fall 2009 activities with faculty, students, administrators and IT staff.
  • Compare tools and their ability to meet needs of user profiles and feature sets identified in Fall 2009.
  • Based on results of fall activities, explore a small number of potential solutions (whether traditional LMS products or non-traditional options) available here or through arrangements with other institutions.
  • Arrive at a consensus of the best approach to pursue moving forward, given Duke-specific user profiles, feature needs and guiding principles, as well as the technical, support and migration needs any next step would need to take into consideration.
  • Report: Map tools to Duke-identified user profiles and feature sets (February 2010)
  • Report: Results of Spring 2010 tools comparison (April 2010)
  • Report: Interim report with project plan for summer 2010 (by May 31, 2010)

SUMMER 2010: Collect data and conduct analyses

Major activities

Specific deliverables

  • Strategic, Functional, Technical and Cost Analysis Working Groups formed.
  • Groups perform detailed data collection and analysis of web resources in light of functional, technical, and strategic requirements for Duke.
  • Groups conduct interviews with other campuses as needed.
  • Strategic, Functional, Technical, and Cost Analysis Working Group reports, with analysis and summary of summer work (by September 15, 2010).

FALL 2010: Finalize recommendations & identify next steps

Major activities

Specific deliverables

  • Outreach to campus community around outcomes of summer investigations
  • Finalize recommendation, with proposed tool(s) or solution(s), to include global cost of ownership analysis
  • Identify major project process, milestones, timelines and stakeholders to implement the recommendation
  • Identify high-level approach to address the technical, support and migration needs to implement the recommendation
  • Final report: Recommended solution(s) and proposed high-level process moving forward delivered to Julian Lombardi (by Oct 15, 2010), to forward to CIO, Provost and Executive Vice President.

SPRING 2011: Communication on recommendations & Sakai Pilot

Major activities

Specific deliverables

  • Outreach to faculty leadership groups discussing recommendation and Sakai deployment strategy
  • Sakai pilot with small group of courses representing various course types
  • Planning group coordination of the development of a production instance of Sakai
  • Contract with Sakai service provider to implement production Sakai instance for Duke
  • Development of governance model for ongoing management of LMS services at Duke